Meet Our Church Leadership
Caleb LoweYouth Minister - Caleb is back as our full time Youth Minister. He graduated from Harding University in 2023, and then began an epic bike ride across the United States. He has spent the night in firehouses, jumped out of airplanes, and LOVES Taco Bell! Caleb is responsible for all things youthful and fun ... so come and get to know him.
Katie MyersMinistry Assistant - Katie provides support and coordination of our congregation through this position. Please feel free to reach out to Katie with any question you may have, and she will route to the correct contact.
Terry (& Teressa) HargroveAdult Education Ministry Leader
Rebecca & Tom PrichardPantry Ministry Leader
Judy (& Gary) EylerPrison Ministry Leader
Tom (& Leanna) FlannaganBuilding & Grounds Ministry Leader
Mike (& Susan) FlowersChurch Treasurer
Bryan (& Bobbie) FosterSecurity Ministry Leader
Alan (& Susan) MorelandYouth Ministry (Alan) & Fellowship and Women's Ministry (Susan) Leaders
Eric (& Moneth) PunzalSound & Technology Ministry Leader