NWConnect is one of many ways we use to connect those who attend Northwest Church of Christ to each other. Fellowship is a gift from our Savior that we eagerly want to share with each other. We invite all to join us for any of our NWConnect events. May God bless our time together as His family here in the Peoria area.
February 9th - "Soup"er Bowl Potluck
April 20th - Easter Service
April 26th - Ladies Day (hosted @ NorthWest)
June 8 - 14th - Illinois Christian Camp (Springfield)
June 22 - 27th - Harding Uplift
July 6 - 12th - Mission Indy Mission Trip
July 21 - 24th - Vacation Bible School
October 25th - Trunk or Treat
February 15th - Ladies Bible Study Begins
March 14th - Winter Jam Peoria
March 24th - Easter Egg Hunt
March 31st - Easter Service
April 13th - Ladies Day (hosted here at NorthWest)
April 19 - 21 - High School / College Retreat (Clinton, IL)
May 5th - Graduation Recognition & Luncheon
June 2 - 8 - Illinois Christian Camp (Springfield)
July 8 - 11 - Vacation Bible School (6 PM - 8 PM)
July 21 - 27 - Mission Indy Youth Mission Trip
September 15th - Back To School Picnic (after Service)
October 5th - Sommer Park Cook-out
October 26th - Trunk or Treat
November 2nd - Camp Good News
November 10th - Dedication Sunday
November 17th - Thanksgiving Potluck
December 1st - Singing Sunday (during AM Service)
December 10th - Christmas Caroling
December 15th - Kid's Christmas Program
December 22nd - Ladies Cookie Exchange
Camp Good News - November
Trunk or Treat - October
Back To School Picnic - August
VBS Babylon - July
Youth Summer Camp - June
Teen/College Retreat - April
Ladies Day - April
Easter Egg Hunt - April
February 9th - "Soup"er Bowl Potluck
April 20th - Easter Service
April 26th - Ladies Day (hosted @ NorthWest)
June 8 - 14th - Illinois Christian Camp (Springfield)
June 22 - 27th - Harding Uplift
July 6 - 12th - Mission Indy Mission Trip
July 21 - 24th - Vacation Bible School
October 25th - Trunk or Treat
February 15th - Ladies Bible Study Begins
March 14th - Winter Jam Peoria
March 24th - Easter Egg Hunt
March 31st - Easter Service
April 13th - Ladies Day (hosted here at NorthWest)
April 19 - 21 - High School / College Retreat (Clinton, IL)
May 5th - Graduation Recognition & Luncheon
June 2 - 8 - Illinois Christian Camp (Springfield)
July 8 - 11 - Vacation Bible School (6 PM - 8 PM)
July 21 - 27 - Mission Indy Youth Mission Trip
September 15th - Back To School Picnic (after Service)
October 5th - Sommer Park Cook-out
October 26th - Trunk or Treat
November 2nd - Camp Good News
November 10th - Dedication Sunday
November 17th - Thanksgiving Potluck
December 1st - Singing Sunday (during AM Service)
December 10th - Christmas Caroling
December 15th - Kid's Christmas Program
December 22nd - Ladies Cookie Exchange
Camp Good News - November
Trunk or Treat - October
Back To School Picnic - August
VBS Babylon - July
Youth Summer Camp - June
Teen/College Retreat - April
Ladies Day - April
Easter Egg Hunt - April